so what now ? next time you come i'll introduce you to a gigolo and you'll find out that you don't wanna be anything like this. promise. (and if i catch you becoming a gigolo I'm gonna get jealous of all those girls and that gonna make a good lot more people on my "must die" list :p)
so what now ? next time you come i'll introduce you to a gigolo and you'll find out that you don't wanna be anything like this. promise. (and if i catch you becoming a gigolo I'm gonna get jealous of all those girls and that gonna make a good lot more people on my "must die" list :p)
Nefisa, at 8:51 p. m.
rotfl! i guess i dont know enuff bout what makes an ideal gigolo! but if its about keepin good 'TALK'... I think you'd make it. :-p
Zingy, at 2:18 p. m.
Nef - no comments. I'm still mad.
Zingy - Gee, thanks! It feels good to know that one is wanted, albeit sexually! :P
Ashwyn, at 6:42 p. m.
so according to zingy i should pay you each time we have a conversation, man, I owe you a zillion pounds
Nefisa, at 3:58 p. m.
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